

How to just have fun – Jowilna 101

The pressure of being creative is real and sometimes the best thing you can do is to just have fun. So the other day I had some fun using a piece of cardboard and some goodies on my table.

I created this beautiful plaque using a piece of Kraft board, texture paste and All-Purpose Inks.

  • Step 1

    Apply a thin layer of texture paste using a palette knife. Apply the paste and then thin it out onto the board in a thin smooth layer with some texture here and there.

  • Step 2

    While the paste is still wet, insert some chipboard elements and leave to dry. The paste will dry and act as an adhesive for the chipboard elements.

  • Step 3

    Once the paste is dry, use 3 colours of All-Purpose Inks to add colour. Use a pipette to drip the colour onto the board and then mist with water. Let the ink swirl around until the entire background is coloured. Leave to dry completely.

  • Step 4

    Emboss a chipboard word in gold embossing powder and adhere it to the plaque overlapping the flowers encased in the texture paste.

TIP: add some ribbon to the top and hang it somewhere, or position it on an easel as a decorative element. Just have fun as you explore and play and use some of that beautiful stash you are hoarding.


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Jowilna Nolte

Post by The Wholesaler’s Designer Jowilna Nolte.
We are very proud to introduce you to our first designer, Jowilna Nolte. Jowilna is a true creative and she will be sharing some of her passion and creativity with you.