

Celebr8 Full Bloom Layout

With an amazing paper range like Celebr8’s Full Bloom, creativity seems easy, even if you run out of supplies! Let it be known that even running out of the most basic of products will never stop me from being creative, I will empty every last jar of anything I find, mix it all together and still craft my heart out and above all else, have fun.

How to:

For this double-page layout, I wanted to use the glitter packet from the Full Bloom Bulk Pack for a different technique, but since I ran out of soft gel and my heavy gel did not quite work, I have put that idea on the back burner. Instead, what I did do was use my heavy gel, to expand the little bit of texture paste I had left in the jar and it worked perfectly plus I was able to complete the stenciling with a fun texture.

Step by Step

Mix some texture paste, with a small amount of heavy gel, and then add the entire packet of pink glitter. Use your palette knife and mix it really well.

Position the stencil onto your page and apply the paste through the stencil in selected areas.

Lift the stencil carefully and continue in other areas.

Once you lift the stencil and are done with the pattern stenciling, use your palette knife and smudge the paste in some areas creating a fun grungy look with texture.

This is also a great way to add personality to your page, fix messed up or smudge stenciling and creating all-round amazing texture on a project.
